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Rebecca – Caught, original

750,00 kr.

Original blyantstegning af Rebecca fra Housewives At Play Alone With Me albummet.


Original blyantstegning af Rebecca fra Housewives At Play albummet Alone With me, hvor temaet er, hvad kvinder foretager sig, når der er alene. Det er ikke kedeligt, som man ser…

Mål: 28 cm x 36 cm.

Signeret af Rebecca

Efter vores mening nogle af Rebeccas hidtil bedste (læs: frækkeste) tegninger.

Blyantstegninger er meget svære at gengive på fotos – tegningerne er meget, meget flottere i virkeligheden, fulde af nuancer og smukke gråtoner.

“Alone With Me” Housewives at Play Collection. Sometimes a busy, mature housewife just needs a little alone time, y’know? Some time to get in touch with herself… to recharge her batteries. Which sometimes means draining a few batteries. And a little baby oil. Or the garden hose. There might be a spatula involved. Possibly a banana. From the kitchen to the laundry room, in the backyard and in the bedroom, and even at the store, these intimate personal moments are captured in loving detail in this gallery of sensuously shaded pencil drawings by Rebecca, who obviously knows a thing or two (or seven hundred) about XXX-rated suburban sexuality. So let that pot simmer on the stove … let the bills pile up… and take a private peek behind closed doors at Rebecca’s lovely, insatiable MILFs as they steal away to lather up in the shower, peruse their secret stashes of girlie mags, peel off their panties in the pantry, and give themselves a hand with the housework. We won’t tell.