Elk Christmas – originalt akrylmaleri af Garé Barks. Malet på plade – ukendt år. Fantastisk smukt maleri – som taget ud af “Bambi”.
Der er mindre, næsten usynlige hvide pletter langs kanterne, og nederste højre hjørne er en anelse beskadiget, hvilket slet ikke vil betyde noget efter en indramning.
Mål: Cirka 23 cm x 30,5 cm (uindrammet).
Har tilhørt Carl Barks frem til hans død.
English: Garé Barks painting, “Elk Christmas”. Acrylic.
FROM THE ESTATE COLLECTION OF CARL BARKS: 9×12” acrylic on board for a study of an Elk on a snowy hill looking up & seeing the Christmas Star by GARÉ BARKS, EX condition (minor spots of paint loss scattered on edges from improper storage). Stamped on back “Reproduction of this subject in whole or in part prohibited without the written permission of the artist Garé Barks”.
Also comes with Garé Barks business card. This lot comes with a CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY, containing a HAND-SIGNED description of the item(s), and embossed seal for the Carl Barks Estate Collection.