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Crepax – Valentina & Henry Moore 07 (1991)

2.450,00 kr.

Originalt kunsttryk af Guido Crepax, “Valentina incontra Henry Moore”, signeret, nr. 49/250, udsendt i 1991.


Guideo Crepax: “Valentina incontra Henry Moore”, Galleria L’Agrifoglio, 1991.

Originalt kunsttryk, signeret af Guido Crepax med blyant, nr. 49 af 250.

Trykket bygger på en originalside fra Valentina-historien “Sindrome di Moore”, hvor heltinden optræder i selskab med originale skulpturer af den britiske skulptør Henry Moore, som man kan læse mere om nedenfor.

Hvert tryk måler 35 cm x 49 cm – og er trykt på meget smukt kvalitetspapir med struktur.

Et absolut luksustryk. Litografier af Crepax er ekstremt sjældne og efterspurgte blandt samlere af erotika.

About Henry Moore:

Henry Spencer Moore (30 July 1898 – 31 August 1986) was an English artist and sculptor. He is best known for his abstract monumental bronze sculptures which are located around the world as public works of art. His forms are usually abstractions of the human figure, typically depicting mother-and-child or reclining figures. Moore’s works are usually suggestive of the female body, apart from a phase in the 1950s when he sculpted family groups. His forms are generally pierced or contain hollow spaces. Many interpreters liken the undulating form of his reclining figures to the landscape and hills of his birthplace, Yorkshire.