Carl Barks: “Evening Star”, oliemaleri, 1969, signeret nederst til venstre.
Dette maleri regnes blandt Barks-kendere for at være det fineste blandt alle hans ikke-Disney malerier. Det er malet i 1969 og er et af de største Barks-malerier overhovedet.
Billedet har tilhørt Carl Barks helt frem til hans død, og blev siden solgt af boet efter Barks.
Her lykkedes det at få billedet til Danmark.
Carl Barks har selv indrammet billedet (eller fået en lokal indrammer til at udføre arbejdet efter hans anvisninger), og på bagsiden har han skrevet 6-69, hvilket betyder, at det var hans maleri nr. 6 fra det år.
Flere detaljer kan læses i den engelske beskrivelse nedenfor. Her kan man bl.a. læse, at billedet viser en 400 år gammel scene fra Gilmans Hot Springs, hvor Barks har skildret den fredfyldte indianske stamme Ivah’erne. Barks malede en række billeder med indisnske motiver, hvoraf dette ikke blot er det klart bedste – det var også kunstnerens egen favorit og hang på væggen hjemme hos Barks i årtier.
Mål:Med ramme: 76 cm x 86 cm.
Billedfladen: 50 cm x 60 cm.
CARL BARKS – Original Artwork to the Oil Painting entitled EVENING STAR, Oil with brush on canvas, signed by the artist on the lower left margin, dated 1969 on the backside, with the number 6/69 meaning that it was the sixth painting that Carl did for that year, matted and framed by the artists own hand or choice with a local framer.
“400 Years ago at Gilmans Hot Springs. The tribe was the Peaceful Ivahs,” Barks said about the painting.
On the backside of the frame taped down is Carl’s 152 Washburn Avenue, San Jacinto, California artist Card. It is one of the most exceptional of Carl’s early paintings – and was probably among his favorites, and hung in his home for years.
CONDITION is FINE to VERY FINE, the colors brilliant, no surface damage of any kind, the inner frame liner and matt and frame are FINE, image size is 24 x 19 1/2″, size with frame is 34 x 30″. From the Estate Collection of Carl Barks, this painting comes with a signed Certificate of Authenticity.