Andrea Freccero
Den italienske Disney-tegner Andrea Frecceros værker kendes af alle, der læser de populære Jumbo-bøger. Han har nemlig tegnet langt de fleste forsider til bøgerne. Han arbejder som Art Director for Disney i Italien og er et meget stort navn.

Jumbo-bøgernes forsidetegner!
Italian Disney-artist Andrea Freccero is no doubt the leading talent in a new generation of artists, dominating new Disney publications in Europe as well as in the USA.
Freccero does amazing work for IDW, Topolino as well as Egmont. His cover art is in high demand all over the world.
Born in Genoa in 1968, Andrea Freccero drew his first Disney cover when he was 6 years old, reproducing a Robin Hood by Don Bluth, one of his favorite artists. It was a game and Andrea could not imagine that many years after his covers would have been around the world.
In 1989 there was the debut on the historic magazine Topolino and in 1992 he drew his first official cover. Collaboration with Topolino has been constant and Andrea was also active in big projects such as Pk, for which he produced several stories being awarded in 2003 as Best Artist of the Year.
Freccero is considered the father of one of the most successful series of the last 10 years: Doubleduck, for which he designed the leading characters and collaborated in the definition of the stylistic world-setting. More recently, he booted a series of Star Trek parodies titled Star Top.
Currently Andrea is considered one of the most important talents of his generation and to him was committed the cover of Topolino No. 3000 issue. Since 2010 he has been in charge of the covers for the I Classici Disney series, since 2012 for the Paperinik Appgrade series, and during 10 years he has been the official artist for the covers of the Lustiges Taschenbuch series, published by Egmont Ehapa. Also Giunti and IDW publishers rely on Freccero for some very successful editorial series, including Le più belle storie Disney and I Capolavori della Letteratura Disney.
In 2013 Andrea was awarded with the Pulcinella Bianco Prize and in 2016 he was awarded in Portugal as the best cover artist of the year. In the same year Disney Italia entrusted him with the creative part of Donald Quest series. Today, Freccero’s covers are published worldwide, from South America to the Middle East, with over 300 re-prints per year.
Works by Andrea Freccero
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